
Secondary Campus

The Varsity College Secondary School is built upon the demands of an evolving global community. Our objective is to provide students with a supportive, personalised learning environment that is tailored to the needs of each and every student.

Through quality teaching practices, Varsity College delivers a rigorous and relevant curriculum that provides opportunity for students to design, lead and work collaboratively in their learning.

A culture of high expectation is fostered through the development of positive relationships between student, teacher, parent and community. We believe that it is through this vision that all Varsity students will grow to be independently motivated learners.
Varsity College Junior Secondary is built on the foundation of relationships, relevance and rigour. Each class has one or two foundation teachers for over half of the week who will become familiar with their students very well through focused lessons on Mathematics, English, Science, History, Geography and inquiry based investigations and projects.

The creation of a distinct Varsity College Junior Secondary School is designed to respond to the needs of students in early adolescence.
Upon enrolment to our college or in Term 3 of every year, students are given the opportunity to select their subjects. Every student will study core subjects, depending on the year level they are in.
Last reviewed 01 May 2024
Last updated 01 May 2024